Saturday, December 6, 2008

Jardin Zoologico

OK, so we went here over 2 weeks ago, but we have not posted pictures yet, so here are a few. The rest can be seen on our flickr of course (link on the sidebar on the right).
These little rabbit-deer guys were roaming free in the zoo. They're called Patagonian Maras.

The video below is of a small jungle cat in her cage. It was the most beautiful animal I saw there. It was tiny like a kitten, but I think it is full grown. There was no sign identifying what type of cat it was, so I don't know. It was a little sad seeing it in a small cage because it was so interesting and exotic. It had big gorgeous eyes.

1 comment:

Marcelo said...

I'm pretty sure the 'small jungle cat' is a Ocelot.
Coll blog btw.